
I held my advance birthday celebration today at Dallas, and I did not regret at all. And for the first time, the country actually set fireworks for me! That’s so lame I know

Dallas was good, but the waiting time was long because they waiting for everyone’s food to come and serve together. And because we had 13 people, they have to finish preparing all before serving. And of cause, the lesser amount of people went, the waiting time would be shorter too. I miss the famous baby pork ribs because i was a fish and chips fan, so i ordered the fish instead of the pork rib which i kind of regreted it. And because of the pork ribs, I will definitely come back again for it.


Presents =)

After Dallas was Timbre, and as I am a very lousy drinker, i was partially high after a pine of beer. So we walked to Esplanade to nua for quite some time and i was ranting nonsenses all the way. Raine was another one who is a lousy drinker too, but i guess I’m more of the lousier one.

Thanks Celine, Meilan, Mokeong, Terence, Kok Kuang, Jason, Evangeline, Chan Hung, Shervon, Jiamin, Gwyneth and Raine for attending, really appreciate it.

Photos will be uploaded when I’ve gotten it.

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