Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Birth and death is part of life

On the day that I passed on, do not feel sad because it is part of life. Just like a seed that has been planted into the soil, they have to ‘die’ before it can grow into a plant.

This is similar to me when I had entered the promised land, Heaven.

If I pass away young, feel pity for me that I have yet to accomplished much and what is required of me.

If I pass away old, feel happy that I have completed my life journey and achieved much.

If I pass away due to sickness, be grateful that the doctors and nurses had tried their best.

If I pass away in an accident, do not harbour the hate on the person who created it.

Don’t worry, this is not a suicide note. 🙂

On another note, it had been one year since I had last blogged. :/

Please tell me that I am not alone


Being a Christian is the biggest joy in life. Not just being one, but to understand the truth and His teaching is great. When we have decided to walk on this path of faith, there will definitely be changes in our life

We started attending church for services and cell groups. We started participating in various church activities. We started serving in ministries. And it would be a greater honour to be called by Him to rise and become leaders. All in all, what we are doing is to understand Him better and to spread His teaching and love to other people. We called our church the second home which in fact is true because we will be spending our weekends there.



This is also where the problem comes in, because some people simply do not see the change in us.

Our time spent in church may come to an extent that we become insensitive to what our non believer friends and family feels. Couples serving in church requires their non believer mother-in-law or father-in-law has to help keeping their house in order. Whenever it comes to church events, first thing that comes to our mind is to invite them to attend.

I mean, if you are the one who is invited, would you even consider before answering?

Hell no.

No doubt putting God as priority is crucial, but we should balance out and not neglecting other areas that need your attention. We need to play our role as a child, a student, or a colleague. Serving in ministries doesn’t mean that you can neglect your studies and being rude to parents, not clearing up your messes in the house, being a nuisance to your friends, not being punctual for class and work.

They will be turn off by the fact that they will become like us if there were Christians. If others don’t see the change in us, how are we able to convince them in accepting the same faith?


Or am I the only one feeling this?

What is your’s?

‘We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.’ – Romans 12:6

Gifts comes in many form. It could be a talent in an area, or it could be a certain set of skills. Don’t see what you lack, but treasure and be thankful of what you have.

So, what’s your gift?

Unwaiver heart

There will be instances in life that our faith will be shaken so badly that we feel doubtful of our choice in life. Job, education, and even relationship; we are all afraid that we are unable to carry out what is expected of us.

Pretty scary ar?

Why don’t we try to hold on to that little faith, stay strong and let a tree sprout from the acorn of faith.

It’s about believing something that has yet to be happened, but His promise will come true one day.

Absolut Jesus

With my life.

If there comes a day where you had a change of heart for me, I won’t allow it to happen to myself before that day comes.

That is my promise to you.



I’m a brother to many, son of two, and a boyfriend to one and only girl in the world.

You spice up my life. =)

So how?

Seriously, I’m quite tired of everything. Yes, everything. I seems like I have hit the bottom and it’s a process which everyone will go through. But what really matters is how we can bounce back after hitting the bottom and bounce even higher than before.

When things do go my way, I will have no interest to do it anymore. Morale goes down, spirit goes down, and my mind is lost somewhere.

Or maybe I should be my own director so that I can go things my way.

Things are harder to let go than you think






Everyone has a point in time that he or she fails

Be it whether you:

Fail in business
Fail in relationship
Fail in friendship
Fail in family
Fail to accomplish
Fail your mathematics test
Fail your PSLE

Life still goes on.

Be glad that it happen, because it happened for a cause. And while people says that we should not look back to our past, I believe sometimes it’s necessary to learn and not to repeat what we have done wrong or right. Else, history can be scrap off from our secondary school syllabus.

Once you have accepted the facts and circumstances of what has happened, you will be able to move on.

And reasoning doesn’t apply to every single person because some of them lack common sense.









There are many things in life that is not within our control, especially life and death. God is our healer and we prayed to him, but why do some people never recover from their illness and pass away? Reason is simple, life and death lies in his hands.

If we keep complaining that nothing is good in this world, shouldn’t there be nothing is bad in this world too? We should stop complaining how bad things are and instead thing of positive things around you. If you are feeling down occasionally, people can, and will make an effort to cheer and encourage you. If it becomes too frequent and mood swings multiple times in a day, I can tell you we will also be sick of your attitude. Simply because nothing can make you happy, and we have no idea how to cheer you up.

So please make your life and other’s life easier for goodness sake.

Though we are friends but I am starting to turn off by you already.


Love birds

Matters of the heart are like a messy ball of wool, it’s us to make it that messy, and only we can make it straight.

It’s not easy remove all the knots in the wool, but it takes effort and time to make it straight.

After all, the reward will be sweet forever.