Archive for April, 2011

I know I shouldn’t

Multi tasking works when you are doing things that involve only yourself but not others. And even though I am able to do so, there are some parts that I will neglect and slow down.

I find it quite illogical finding another person to talk to when you are already talking to one. No? Yes? No?


It’s the same feeling every week

For some kind of reason, I am feeling the same old thing again. There are no reasons for me to do so, unless….

Heck it.

Sleep is more impt to me now. Perhaps I could meet u in la la land.

Doing without thinking of anything

If I could, I would want to keep running marathons because I will not think of anything else.

But hell, the problem is still there.


No one can be perfect except for God, and even Jesus feel sad and angry at times. Adam sinned so that he and his descendants were punish.

Flaw is something we can’t avoid not having. Our upbringing, our environment, our friends, everything will affect us and create what we are today. Some people might have flaws that will effect people, but some are personal that none will know except themself.

Mine is inferior complex, what is yours?


It’s just that I don’t bother to ask

I have a lot of of questions to ask, but every single of it will definite break us apart. You are so unpredictable and random, and how you act after that is total nonsense.

So what’s the problem with you?

Life still goes on

Life is like wind; it can be good at this moment, and become disastrous  in a blink of an eye. (Some people blinked slow, but that’s not that point). There have been a lot of quotes on treasure things around you and not take things for granted, but how are you going to put it into actions? If anyone know, please tell me.

Talk is cheap, but great things happened from there.

Motivation and strength; that is just what I need to make things happen.