Archive for April 28th, 2007


ok… got ignored on tagboard,
shall not say much, bo chap me then forget it

today is the IT module again
and i realise their equipments so sucky
funny lookin tripod, and funny cam
then given a lousy and boring storyboard to film
my team finish at 1230 so we have 1 hr 30mins to slack
thanks to me.. plan everything b4 shoot
coz no editing is allowed, so it’s best to shoot correct everything once
after we finish other teams was like still not yet started

after sch went for Tampines North CSC de trainin
but then Tampines also rain,
so me zexin n kaili went to shoot some bball
and played a 3 v 4 match b4 leaving

so bored, fri nite
somemore not feeling well.. zzzz